Welcome to the Start ASL Online Student Community Group!

Once you are logged in, you can access the group here:

This group is ultimately a place for you, the students, to learn and grow together. Make it yours! Come together, ask questions, discuss topics related to ASL/Deaf Culture, share resources, and connect! To make this group active, we need YOU to be involved!

Here is how to navigate the student group:

Group Home

Link: https://courses.startasl.com/course/view.php?id=12

  1. This is the main page where you will view all the group's posts. 
  2. Click the blue arrow on the right of your screen to open and lock the right hand navigation menu to navigate the group views, assignments, topics, and Event Calendar. 
  3. Click "Add a new discussion topic" to add a new post.
  4. Click "Subscribe to this forum" to be notified of all posts and replies in the group.
  5. Click "Discuss this Topic" to view replies and reply to posts.

Post View

  1. This is what it looks like after you click "Discuss this topic" on a post.
  2. From here, you can click "Reply" under the main post to reply to the main post. 
  3. Click "Reply" under a comment to reply to a comment. 
  4. Click "Advanced" to add formatting, attachments, videos, and more to your reply.

Adding a New Post / Advanced Post Replies

  1. This is what it looks like after you click "Add a new discussion topic" on the Group Home page or when you click "Advanced" when replying to a post. 
  2. Click the small arrow to expand your options. 
  3. Click the Image or Video icons to attach an image or video. 
  4. Click the Video Camera icon to record a video right in your reply!
  5. Click the checkbox next to "Discussion subscription" to receive notifications of your replies.
  6. Drag and drop files into the Attachment area to add attachments to the bottom of a post. 

Recording a Video

  1. This is what it looks like after you click the Video Camera icon to add a video to your post. 
  2. Click Record to record your video. Click Play to play it back. Click Save to add it to your post. 

Need Help?

If you need any help navigating your group, at any time you can click the blue chat bubble at the bottom of your screen to send a message to your instructor.