If you have submitted an Expression Video Assignment, but the assignment is not showing as completed, please follow these steps:
- First check if you have received a grade on your assignment. To do so, visit your Gradebook for the course and look under the Video Submissions category:
- ASL 1: https://courses.startasl.com/grade/report/grader/index.php?id=13
- ASL 2: https://courses.startasl.com/grade/report/grader/index.php?id=14
- ASL 3: https://courses.startasl.com/grade/report/grader/index.php?id=15
- ASL 4: https://courses.startasl.com/grade/report/grader/index.php?id=16
- ASL 1 (Legacy): https://courses.startasl.com/grade/report/index.php?id=3
- ASL 2 (Legacy): https://courses.startasl.com/grade/report/index.php?id=2
- ASL 3 (Legacy): https://courses.startasl.com/grade/report/index.php?id=4
- If you have NOT received a grade, please wait at least 5 business days from submission for your assignment to be graded. If it has been over 5 business days since you have submitted your assignment, please open a support ticket so we can check on the status for you.
- If you HAVE received a grade on the assignment, but the assignment is not showing as completed, please submit a new attempt for the assignment with "Already submitted assignment previously" in the text box. You do not need to submit your video again. This should resolve the issue.
If these steps do not resolve your issue, please open a support ticket so we can help.